Where Is The Soul?

Let’s find out

Ankit Nagar
The Orange Journal
Published in
4 min readMar 28, 2022


Before we even approach the territory of defining the soul, I implore you to carry on reading with an open mind.

All of us who have adopted the premise that we are souls in a body with a mind, have at some point, come across this information from an external source, XYZ.

For some reason, we choose to believe this and with that choice, this new information is registered and categorized as knowledge.

Knowledge about our ‘true identity.’

Knowledge about our ‘higher self.’

Knowledge about our ‘spirit.’

All of these terms, these categories with extremely blurred demarcations, have at some point, been constructed to communicate one’s subjective experience to another.

This is the only significant purpose of language.

It is a representation of this world, much like a map is for reality.

It might be slightly accurate, but is never on point and can never depict the entire scale and depth of reality.

How many times have you had a dream or a vision of what the experience of XYZ circumstance will be like? And how many times has the reality of said experience been a polar opposite of what you envisioned in your head?

The Soul

But you don’t live inside the contents of your map, do you?

You go out and see the world for what it is.

And yet, when it comes to the topic of a soul, a self, or a spirit, we, who have chosen to believe these constructs, have allowed ourselves to be living under a spell, an illusion.

Because all we do when we assume that we have a soul that is separate from ‘my’ body, ‘my’ mind, and the ‘outside’ world, we are essentially using mental models based on those constructs as a framework for all courses of action in our lives.

This is essentially, exactly the same as living inside a map and assuming that a 2D world is actually reality.

Through the mapping of the brain, neuroscientists and neuropsychologists have identified the left brain as the primary constructor of all arguments. The left brain is what uses language to comprehend the world around us.

The right brain, however, does not use language at all as whatever language is perceived is processed by the left. It is extremely peculiar and fascinating that our two halves of the brain use two completely different frameworks to perceive reality.

Yes, we actually view the world in two ways. But, because of the 200 million fibers that connect the two halves, called the corpus callosum, we are able to obtain a single narrative.

And maybe, this single narrative is the sole reason we are somehow able to find order in the ever-expanding chaos of our minds.

Now consider this, to understand and comprehend the world, you require knowledge. This knowledge, is essentially, just language, and nothing else.

All we know, are only constructs in the form of language.

To create any sort of identification with XYZ is to create categories, and this creation of categories inherently leads to division.

Ever since we are children, we are taught to use language to categorize and comprehend everything. And as the left brain is the side that caters to language and judgments, we have now inadvertently become left-brain dominant individuals.

That is to say, if you find yourself to be caught up in thoughts, ideas, fears, you are essentially viewing the world through the lens of language.

To understand language, one must create categories and constantly draw lines in the sand to identify with what is what. This is the way thoughts, ideas, perceptions, and fears are constructed.

And therefore, our everyday lives are constantly filled with judgment. Cause how else can you draw a line in the sand without passing a judgment?

Now to understand what a soul is, we need to draw a line in the sand.

The sand which is made up of language and constructs.

But does a small word like tree encapsulate all that a tree is?


Does a small word like ocean describe the farthest depths we haven’t even explored yet?

Does any word do justice in accurately representing anything present in reality?


So why assume a soul, spirit, or self, is accurate in the first place?

The root of the word soul is language.

And language is a construct.

A construct that is firmly well-established inside the mind.

A construct that passes by like any other fictitious thought.

So, back to the question, where is the soul?

Yup, you guessed it.

It exists only in the mind.

It exists as a thought, as an idea, as a concept, as a construct.

Or, on the bottom of your shoe. Ha.

Anything else, is an illusion.


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